Saratoga is a beautiful city comprised of gorgeous lakes, dense meadows, ponds, racetracks, beautiful breeds of horses and lodges. Every…
Category: Ticks Mosquitos
In upstate New York, we know that ticks are nothing to joke about. If you live in a high risk zone for ticks, here are some insights on how to minimize the chances that they will invade your yard.

How To Remove Ticks
You probably already know that ticks can cause you to contract Lyme’s disease. But you’d be surprised how many other…

5 Most Common Spring Pests
Spring Pest Control As the climate gets warmer year after year, many homeowners have seen increases in spring pests from…

What Ticks Carry Lyme Disease
For most of the population, summers mean slathering on heavy sunscreen and protecting themselves against the harmful effects of the…
Where Do Ticks Live?
And how to prevent them from getting in your yard Ticks are among the deadliest parasites globally, and they have…
How To Get Rid Of Ticks In The Yard In 8 Steps
If you discover ticks on your property, review these 8 steps you can take to remove ticks from your yard….
Tick Pest Control Can Stop Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease Is Increasing Get Tick Pest Control Like many families across New York State, Sam M. of Rochester NY…